Acadian Assists with No Fear No Future
Acadian Ambulance and Air Med assisted the Junior League of Lafayette with their annual “No Fear No Future” project.
This year marked the 10th anniversary of the two-day, school-based project that promotes responsible decision making to high school students by demonstrating the realization of the dangers associated with distracted or impaired driving. This year’s host school was Ascension Episcopal High School and, along with our Acadian team, Youngsville’s Fire and Police Departments helped create an incredibly realistic mock accident.
Operations Manager Marc Creswell was a guest speaker and discussed the devastating accidents that he has seen in his 22 years with Acadian. When addressing the crowd he said, “Impaired and distracted driving is a choice you make that not only affects you—it affects your family and it affects the first responders.”
He continued, “Just make the right choice.”
Since 1971, Acadian has provided the highest level of emergency medical care and transportation possible. In the past decade, the company has expanded to include a diverse suite of services in health, safety, and transportation. Acadian’s six divisions are Acadian Ambulance Service, Acadian Monitoring Services, Air Med, Executive Aircraft Charter Service, National EMS Academy and Safety Management Systems.