
air med hospital transport

Indications for Air Med Transport

Call for Air Med as soon as it’s known that the patient will be transferred. Air Med can arrive and help prepare the patient prior to acceptance by the receiving hospital.

  • Major trauma
  • Post cardiac arrest
  • Severe poisoning or overdose
  • Severe sepsis
  • Gastrointestinal hemorrhages with hemodynamic compromise
  • Severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia
  • Surgical emergencies such as fasciitis, aortic dissection or aneurysm
  • Risk for airway deterioration or acute pulmonary failure, and/or requirement for sophisticated pulmonary intensive care

Acadian Ambulance Service and Air Med operate in tandem by ensuring that ground and air ambulance services are only dispatched appropriately based on our MedComm center.

The list provided is merely illustrative. Every situation/patient is unique, and we value and respect that ultimately the decision on type and time of transport should be that of the treating physician, in consultation with the patient and/or patient representative.

AirMed Team

Types of Patients Who Benefit From Air Med Transport

  • Patients whose clinical conditions require minimal time spent in transport and out of a hospital environment
  • Patients with critical injuries or illnesses that require transport by the fastest available method to a hospital 30 minutes driving distance or more
  • Patients who require a high level of care during transport may benefit from minimal out-of-hospital transport time, and may also have time-critical need for diagnostics